Upcycled Cereal Box Gift Bags
Thursday, April 11, 2013
SustainableMags has this great idea for upcycling cereal boxes. We eat a LOT of cereal. On a good day we can go through a box of Cheerios without blinking. That means we recycle a lot of cereal boxes. Why not save them and upcycle them before recycling them? Think how cute a kids gift would be coming in a colorful cereal box.
Happy Upcycling,
Now that is a creative idea that I haven’t seen before! I can see my preschoolers carrying these bags and boxes all over the classroom.
Oh yea! Great classroom idea.
I can see myself saving and making these to give my girl friends their Xmas presents in! Think they are great fun and different – which is always good.
Thanks :-)
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