Upcycled Sewing
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Continuing our Christmas 2013 Upcycled Decorating with these cute stockings. We love the simplicity of this tutorial! A perfect way to use worn out sweaters without buying newly made stockings for your family. In an afternoon, you can make stockings for your entire family. You could also make smaller versions to use as gift tags for your upcycled wrapping. Just slip a little treat and a name tag inside the little stocking and you have a very cute alternative to a bow for your Christmas packages! The …
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In the last week, I have had three different moms tell me that their daughter didn’t like tights. Now that I think about it, I don’t really like tights either. They are hard to get on little ones and they make my feet feel claustrophobic. Now you can convert those darling tights into even cuter leggings. Follow this easy step-by-step tutorial from U Create and you will have some brand new leggings for fall. Happy Upcycling, Jill
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This fun table runner was made by one of my friends. Isn’t it cute? It is a fun and easy project that you can have on your table in no time. How to make the table runner: 1. Select materials. This is made of old wool sweaters that have been felted. Learn how to felt wool here. 2. Draw a heart template from sturdy cardboard. 3. Using chalk, trace the template onto the wool. 4. Cut out the hearts using sharp sewing scissors. 5. Lay out the …
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Felting wool from old sweaters is a wonderful way to give something old a new life. If the sweater is out of style, out of size or even if it has been attacked by moths you can give it a new use by felting. Do not be intimidated by this process. It is fun and really easy. Remember that the process is irreversible. Felting wool sweaters: 1. Select your sweaters. If you notice any holes, you can repair them now by closing the holes with a few stiches. …
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I am a huge fan of Anna Maria Horner and her gorgeous fabrics. No wait, that may not be accurate. I LOVE her stuff and really enjoy reading her blog. When I saw her post yesterday, I knew our readers would love it too. Here is her step-by-step tutorial for making garland from yarn and fabric scraps. It is now on my “to-do” list for this Christmas. It is so cute and I really love the fact that my kids can help with the project. Happy Upcycling, Jill …
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This is the easiest sewing project ever! You can upcycle a men’s white hankie into a little girl’s pilgrim hat in about 5-10 minutes. The end result is the cutest little pilgrim at the Thanksgiving table. Materials: 1. Plain white hankie, washed and ironed with a little starch. 2. Length of white ribbon, about 24 inches depending on your child’s size. 3. Iron and board 4. Sewing machine and ability to sew a mostly straight line (though you could easily get away with just a needle and white …
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We are still counting our blessings here and enjoying the Thanksgiving Season. This week we are focusing on getting our homes and families ready for a day of gratefulness. It’s not Christmas yet… First up, a scrapy little pumpkin. Made with fall colored material scraps and stuffed with old newspaper. It is fun, easy and looks great in any room of your house. Materials: 1. Material scraps in a variety of fall colors. 2. Twine 3. Newspaper or upcycled wrapping or tissue paper 4. A very small amount …
Feature Stories, Project Ideas »

Welcome Morgan of King Soleil! Enjoy her free step-by-step tutorial for making an Upcycled Crochet Rug. Thank you Morgan! Step-by-Step Upcycled Crochet Rug Tutorial There is something so completely satisfying when you are able to create a piece for your home that is functional, cozy, and perfectly your style. All the more rewarding when you are eco-friendly, making the world a greener place, and adding that handmade flair to your everyday. I am thrilled to be a guest blogger at Upcycle Magazine, a site utterly devoted …
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Our friend Sachiko from Tea Rose Home has put together a clear step-by-step tutorial for making this adorable dress. She upcycles 5 soft kitchen towels to create this comfortable summer dress for her daughter. Her tutorial can be used with the towels or you could use the same tutorial to upcycle other pieces of fabric like sheets or adult clothing. The tutorial includes step-by-step pictures and complete directions. Make one for summer and another with heavier fabric for cooler weather. Click here for the tutorial.