Upcycled Cooking
Project Ideas »

I see this as a man upcycle project. I can envision an entire set of these cups lining the walls of a man cave or a college apartment. Make sure you look through the entire tutorial. You don’t want people getting cut on the lip of the cup. The directions offer clear instructions for turning the edge over for making it safe for drinking. Click here for the entire step-by-step tutorial. Happy Upcycling! Jill
Cool Products, Feature Stories »

For the past several weeks, my family has been using water bottles from Liberty Bottleworks. From the minute I took the bottles out of the box, I was excited about them. They just look cool. Perhaps because the unique graphics are designed by actual artists from all around the United States. They go way beyond just looking cool though. They are made from recycled aluminum with BPA free materials. The bottles exceed FDA requirements. They are non-toxic and non-leaching. The deep drawn aluminum construction results in less dents …
Feature Stories, Project Ideas »

Stop!!! Don’t buy the messy plastic Easter grass. Try some of these green alternatives. 1. Shredded paper. You can let your imagination run wild with what paper to use. Some ideas are newspaper, used wrapping paper, magazines, tissue paper, junk mail and the list goes on and on. If you have a paper shredder, you can simply run the paper through and ta da! you have easter grass. If not, you could use scissors or a paper cutter to cut skinny strips. 2. Raffia. Raffia comes …
Cool Products »

Ready to replace your plastic baggies with an eco-friendly alternative? Then check out Lunchskins. For years I have been trying to figure out an alternative to plastic baggies. I have made little fabric baggies and they kind of work but they don’t contain anything that is messy very well and then you need to wash them in the washer. You can try glass containers or reusable plastic containers that can be easily recycled. Let me tell you, they just don’t cut it. The functionality of plastic baggies …
Cool Products »

Ever wonder what happens to old movie posters and billboards? Well the good folks at ReMakes certainly did. They came up with the great idea of taking discarded billboards and movie posters and cutting them into placemats. The placemats come in sets of four that have been cut from the same poster. So the placemats in a set will coordinate with each other but each will be different and unique. They also sell, a chic all black version.The placemats are trendy and can be easily wiped off. You can …
Cool Products »

The eco smart poly-flax is a super-cool, earth-friendly cutting board from our friends at architec. Architec is known for making hip & unique kitchen supplies and for their efforts in green manufacturing. These cutting boards are designed to be functional and visually stunning at the same time. They’re made in the USA, come in three fun colors, cost around $20, and are part of their “eco smart” line which features a ton of great environmental-friendly bonuses. What makes it “eco smart?” Even though it looks like a regular plastic …