Feature Stories
Interesting stories from all across the world of upcycling, recycling, and reusing! Check back each week for news, interviews, giveaways, links to interesting sites, and more.
Feature Stories »

I had the pleasure of stumbling across eden outfitters while passing through Southern Indiana. They have a retail store located in quaint Nashville, Indiana and an online store here where they sell eco-friendly clothing and goods. I finally got to feel t-shirts and fleece made from recycled plastic bottles. I would definately wear them. They are soft and feel like cotton. Go visit Dharma Trading Company for a great article about upcycling. While you are there look around for some inspiration. Many of their products could be used …
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Anne Jansen of St. Louis and The Key of A takes what was once consider ordinary and turns it into beautiful, wearable works of art. A hundred years ago, type writers and skeleton keys were considered common utilitarian items that were found in many homes. We can now look back at these items and see the beauty and the history. Anne’s line of vintage inspired jewelry and accessories utilizes authentic keys of all types including typewriters, cash registers, skeleton, watch, clock and piano of the early 1900’s. …
Cool Products, Feature Stories »

Head over to Crafting a Green World for Upcycled Bunny Crafts to make just in time for Easter. Check out our friends at The Upcycle Place. A free market place for buying and selling upcycled goods. Great idea! Visit the creative folks at Love and Trash for a tutorial on upcycling your burnt out candles. I used to be crazy about burning my scented candles. I would only light them if I could burn them for the recommended time so they would burn evenly. I didn’t want …
Feature Stories »

New York City gets its first electric vehicle charging station. The station is made of upcycled steel shipping contatiners. Read all about it at Earth Techling. Visit Robin over at the T-Shirt Diaries for her weekly Upcycled Awesome link party. Packed with great upcycling ideas. Wow! Check out this old school pin hole camera made from an upcycled book. It uses 35 mm film and you can get yours here. If you live near Oak Park Illinois, consider attending their free “Wardrobe Upcycle” party on April 16. …
Feature Stories, Project Ideas »

Stop!!! Don’t buy the messy plastic Easter grass. Try some of these green alternatives. 1. Shredded paper. You can let your imagination run wild with what paper to use. Some ideas are newspaper, used wrapping paper, magazines, tissue paper, junk mail and the list goes on and on. If you have a paper shredder, you can simply run the paper through and ta da! you have easter grass. If not, you could use scissors or a paper cutter to cut skinny strips. 2. Raffia. Raffia comes …
Cool Products, Feature Stories »

Leanne of Noble Upcycling repurposes old wool sweaters into felted woolies in the form of mittens, slipper socks, blankets, bags and stuffed animals. Leanne started upcycling when she turned her first disastrous sewing endeavor into a dust rag! Well, her sewing skills have come a long way since then and she is now able to craft adorable stuffed animals, mittens, slippers, bags, and blankets. All of her creations start as old wool sweaters. She felts the wool before turning the sweaters into “woolies.” Some of her …
Feature Stories »

Hot off the press! Tiffany Threadgould’s brand new book called “Re-Make It! Recycling Projects From the Stuff You Usually Scrap” It looks like such a fun book. It boasts 95 do-it-yourself projects. You can get your own copy from Sterling Publishing. Head over to Organic Soul and read their article about upcycling. They list 6 great reasons for upcycling. Read it at Organic Soul. Check this out. It is called “Grandpa’s Tweed Pouf.” The work of Angella Eisman, who upcycled outdated wool …
Cool Products, Feature Stories »

This beautiful bowl is the work of 26 year old Jerusalem born Ruti. Ruti has always enjoyed art and comes from a family of artists. In recent years, she has discovered the magic of folding recycled papers into beautiful creations. Through this work she was able to combine her passion for shaping and color-matching, with her love for nature and preserving the environment by using discarded materials. The paper she uses includes: magazines, loose-leaf folder covers, tea-bag covers, maps and various other paper. Her pieces truly speak for …
Feature Stories »

Monochrome Recycled Bikes purchase used and old bike parts in bulk. Then they dismantle and sandblast them before creating custom bikes for their clients. To read more about them look here. Seventh Generation, the nation’s leading brand of non-toxic household and personal care products, introduced a new liquid laundry detergent bottle made from 100 percent recycled cardboard and newspaper. This lovely bowl is upcycled from a 12″ vinyl record. Look here for her Etsy Shop. We love to see this! Euroshield manufactures roofing materials made from …
Cool Products, Feature Stories »

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a penny in your shoe! Tanna Paradis, the creator of Love Honor Upcycle, takes something old and turns it into something new much to the delight of the many brides who have worn her beautiful vintage jewelry on their wedding day. Starting with her own wedding day, Tanna takes vintage and thrifted jewelry and transforms them into beautiful and glamorous pieces. She makes a variety; everything from hair combs to bracelets and cufflinks. You don’t have to be …